Sunday Reflections – 23 July 2017

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday!

This post is coming to you from sunny Florida! After several long years, we finally managed to take a family vacation that does not involve dance or visiting extended family. We used Airbnb to rent a huge house and are going to make the most of our week here. The more time on the beach soaking in the sun and surf, the better.

The past two weeks have been quiet during the week. Holly started dance classes again and is enjoying them. We are slowly transitioning to the new studio, as she has one class there this summer. It is beautiful; my friends have done a beautiful job building it and fulfilling their vision. Holly also had tryouts for the new competition team, which they are calling the company. She made the elite team and will be competing a solo this year. It is going to be an amazing year for her and a nerve-wracking one for me.

Connor is counting down to move-in day. He has been trying to keep busy as the summer job situation never panned out the way he hoped. He finally settled on a roommate and is excitedly planning their awesome dorm room. When we get back from vacation, the packing and college prep will start in earnest, I am sure. I see several trips to Target in our future.

Jim is struggling with work. New equipment is not properly operating. One piece of equipment cracked in half after only a few weeks. They are having issues meeting customer demand, and as the head of Operations he feels the pressure to fill the slack and make improvements. It has been a stressful time for him, as he cares about his work and meeting demand more than he should. Hopefully, a week away will give him the distance and perspective he needs to be able to come at the problems from a different angle. I know he will succeed, but getting to that point is proving a challenge.

Here are past posts from the few last weeks in case you missed them the first time:

 I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and relaxing Sunday. I know I am!


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