Sunday Reflections – 21 June 2015

By Whatsheread

The recitals are officially done! This week was tough with four-hour tech and dress rehearsals every day, followed by the recitals on Friday night and Saturday night. Since I was part of the backstage crew, moving scenery and props, I could not just drop Holly off and pick her up later. I know I am tired from all of this, and I didn’t even dance. The entire cast did an amazing job. Watching them push through pain and boredom and sheer exhaustion to put on two wonderful shows is truly inspiring. I am so glad I was a part of it!

Connor officially started marching band season already. I swear, none of us ever get a break. They are prepping for two Independence Day parades before they move into preparing for the competition season in the fall. He also got the bad news that he will indeed have to have braces. We have those appointments schedule for later this summer. It will be interesting to watch him adjust to playing his tuba with braces come September.

To top it off, my mother-in-law was here this week, holding down the fort while I was with Holly at the theater. She helped keep the house running more smoothly than it would have had she not been here. Plus, she was able to spend some quality time with the kids and with Jim. That, more than anything, makes for a successful week.

Somehow, in spite of everything, I was able to schedule posts throughout the week. In addition to my regular Monday recap of weekly reads, I shared my thoughts on Laura Dave’s Eight Hundred Grapes, The Daylight Marriage by Heidi Pitlor, and the gorgeous novel by Tamara Ireland Stone, Every Last Word. I rounded out the week with a bit of silliness and answered 10 Bookish Questions. It was a busy but productive week all around.

Tomorrow, Holly and I will be traveling to Branson, MO for a week-long National Dance Competition. This is the last event of the year, a bittersweet moment and an event we are anxious to finish so we both can take a break. Initially, Jim and Connor were going to come with us, but the more Holly and I talked, the more we realized that the boys would be miserable if they came. This is not a family vacation, and we will be spending most of the week sitting in a theater watching other dancers. To save some money, for Jim to save some vacation time to put towards working on the house, and to allow Connor to attend all of his practices and training, we all decided a girls-only week would be the best thing for everyone. It should be a lot of fun!

The house plans are moving along. We are collecting the last few estimates for our construction loan. Next week, we should have the subcontracters start clearing the lot. All of the rain we have had in the past few weeks put them behind schedule, but I’m hoping Jim will be able to write an update for you while I am gone.

With that, it’s time to put another Sunday to bed. Have a great week, everyone!