Sunday Reflections – 2 August 2015

By Whatsheread

It has been a quiet week for us. Granted, our quiet weeks are enough to exhaust others.  It is all relative, right?

Remember when I said summer was officially here? This week just confirmed that fact. The temperatures were not as high as the predictions said they would be, but our humidity? It hovered around 95% all week. The skies looked like they were finally ready to dump some of that moisture in the form of a storm, but alas, no such luck.

The lack of rain recently has meant an explosion of weed pollen, and of course, my allergies are on high alert. This year’s reaction involves swelling. My hands and feet are ginormous, plus my eyes look like I’ve gone a few rounds in a boxing ring. Is it too soon to start wishing for cooler weather? Or at least rain to settle some of the pollen?

After last week’s marching band camp, he is back into a regular band practice routine of twice a week. I know he is grateful that camp was last week instead of this week. It may have been warm last week, but at least it was not nearly as humid as it was this week.

Holly continues with her summer dancing schedule. She also had her second tryout for the competition team. Between French horn lessons, dance, she has plenty with which to occupy her time these days. We are still waiting to hear about next year’s team, but that doesn’t stop her from dancing all around the house.

Another reminder that summer is over is the fact that online school registration opened this week. I swear, the next time I blink, I’ll open my eyes, and it will be September already. That’s how quickly the year is passing it seems.

I’m still plugging away at reading. I am resigned to the fact that my schedule is just not conducive to reading as much as I did last year. Reviews will be few and far between for the rest of the year as a result. Still, this week I did manage to post my regular weekly reading summary, as well as my review of the audiobook version of The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson. Lastly, in an effort to get back some reading mojo, I devoured a series I’ve been meaning to finish since I read the first book before it was published. Rather than review each individually, I shared my thoughts on the Divergent series as a whole.

I hope everyone is staying cool and relaxing today. Have a wonderful week, all!