Sunday Reflections – 18 December 2016 – Keeping Warm

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday!

Well, it would be a happier Sunday if I did not have to leave the house considering the high today is below zero. Alas, I have to work this morning – there is nothing like a Sunday morning inventory audit to declare your dedication to a job. Later today, Holly has dance rehearsal. After that, we are hurrying home and diving under blankets for the rest of the day.

Last week was relatively quiet for us. Holly had her last week of dance classes for the year. She will start back up again in January. She may not be looking forward to the break, but I know Jim and I are. Plus, she needs a chance to rest and relax before we head into competition season and ballet rehearsals.

Things were quiet for Connor too. He is still anxiously waiting to hear from his first choice for college. In the meantime, he is applying to scholarships and staying on top of his homework. He too is taking a much-needed break before the forensics season begins later in January.

Jim had the busiest week out of the four of us with a trip to Minneapolis at the beginning of the week for a board meeting. On Friday, he flew out for Germany, where he has meetings with an equipment manufacturer who is set to deliver a new piece of machinery to his plant later in 2017. He went early to get acclimated to the time change and revisit some old haunts. I was invited to go along with him but knew I could not leave work for that long at this time of year. I’m sure he will be sending me lots of pictures and making me jealous.

My work is still work. Things have settled down only slightly, but I think I have reached the point of diminishing returns. Putting in the extra hours will not get me any further, so I am looking forward to taking a more relaxed approach to the work week. Both Jim and I have off on Friday and the Monday after Christmas, so a long weekend and short work week are exactly what the doctor ordered.

Here are past posts from the few weeks in case you missed them the first time. You can tell I have run out of energy to even write reviews or any sort of post these days.

I hope everyone is staying warm and dry this fine Sunday. I will not be posting next week due to the holiday so I will see you around throughout the week!



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