Sunday Reflections – 14 January 2018

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday!

It was an unexpected sick day today as I was felled by either a stomach bug or something I ate. I am feeling better but still planning on taking it easy for the rest of the evening. I had plans to get all sorts of things done today but took a nap and read a book instead. I think my alternate activities were better than my plans.

Back to normal meant back to dance and work. With just over a month before the first competition, every rehearsal counts. The new schedule means she has some form of dance every day but Tuesday. It will be worth it, but it means not doing much on the weekends. That is perfectly okay because there are always things we can do around the house.

Jim’s job search is going well. Interest and activity has picked up, like we thought, and he has two interviews this week. Both potential jobs he finds interesting, so we shall see how they go. We are still taking it one day at a time though and remain hopeful that the right job is right around the corner.

Connor started his second semester last Monday and dove right into the thick of things. His second semester is a little more challenging, complete with both early morning classes and late evening labs. However, he learned a lot his first semester about college and just how much work is required of each class, so he entered the week with a good plan of action for success.

As for me, it is year-end. It means crossing every t and dotting every i as we close the books. We still do not have an approved budget either, so I have had a few meetings about that as well. It really feels like business as usual with the added pressure of having to be even more careful because we have the year-end audit right after we close the books. Fun times indeed.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and will have a fantastic work week! I’ll see you back here next Sunday!


Here are past posts from the last few weeks in case you missed them the first time:



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