Summer Body Glow: Garnier

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

FINALLY we are having weather which resembles summer! I think you will all agree that this weather is amazing, (And so rare for the UK) I have my fingers and toes crossed that this weather stays through August, (Particularly as I am not going abroad this year, and its my birthday month).

There is just something about the sun that puts everyone in a great mood (I love it), everyone gets tanning, (Life is always better with a tan) everyone gets the BBQ’s out, (I’ve already had two) the ciders and wine come out (Any excuse), the bright clothes, the short shorts, bikinis, AND… the dreaded white bits!

When it comes to heat waves or beach days in the UK, I am NEVER prepared! At least when I know I’ve got a holiday coming up I can prepare myself, and get myself ‘bikini’ ready, but usually when we get a hot day in the UK, it hits you unexpectedly and I get all in a panic about getting my pale white legs out.

BUT I think I have found a solution to my pale leg problems, and it comes in the form of Garnier Summer Body Moisturising lotion.

It is a moisturiser enriched with self tan (I know, stating the obvious) and contains Camomile and Apricot extract, (Which contributes to some of the overall scent).

In the past I have tried the ‘Dove’ daily tanning cream, but I don’t think it does half as good a job as the Garnier one, (Although my mom loves it). I chose the darker shade out of the two, and I am glad I did, as I probably wouldn’t have seen much difference otherwise.

I know it says daily gradual tanning cream, (Maybe I’m impatient) but I got a much better effect from being ‘product happy’ with the cream, and applying it twice in the same day. By applying the cream this way I woke up in the morning with a nice even color on my legs, it didn’t give the same appearance that fake tan does (I wasn’t looking for a fake tan look just anything but the pale white look), but it had definitely given my legs a nice summer glow, which is what I was looking for, (But this method feels slightly stickier).

The only down side to this product is it does have a strong smell of fake tan, (Which I actually quite like), and I have noticed that after a couple of weeks I now have dodgy patches of tan around my ankles and lower leg, (Which are not wanting to go away) luckily they are not that obvious (But I can notice them). I will also advise you that if you use this product or a similar gradual tanning product, that you should wash your hands immediately to avoid developing an ‘Orange’ stain on your nails or fingers, (It’s not a great look).

I would rate this product 8/10, it did exactly what I wanted it to do, it gave me some color ready to bare my legs, (But not too much), and it is a complete BARGAIN ranging from around £4.00 – £7.00, (£5.10 from Boots).



Lots of love,


P.S Just to add ANOTHER thing I love about this weather is that it makes you realize how nice this country is (Although we all love to moan about it), I am currently living up in the Welsh Valleys, so as you can imagine the scenery is stunning, especially on a nice hot sunny day. Here is a picture I took on my run Saturday morning, (Yes I actually chose to do a run at 8am in the heat, now that is commitment).