Summer Beauty 101 - By Lucinda Bounsall

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh

Summer in the UK, it’s not really a big deal you know. We’d be lucky if we had a cumulative month of sun, so the thing is when the sun does show it’s face on old Blighty us Brits don’t have a clue what to do with ourselves. Suddenly even the simplest task becomes a nightmare; cue the processions of painfully sunburned skin and makeup that has melted halfway down your face. Things that were already relatively difficulty become virtually impossible; I’m talking about getting dressed. As if it wasn’t difficult enough to choose an outfit to wear each morning now there is the added issue of the fact that 90% of British girl’s wardrobes caters for the long winter months rather than the sun. A pair of black super skinny jeans and a wool-angora blend Carven jumper isn’t the ideal options to see you through 30˚ in the City.  The only solution to that issue is to take the hit; get that debit card out and get to the shops ASAP (as if any of us need an extra excuse to part with pennies for beautiful clothes). One issue that is slightly harder to tackle is learning how to adapt your beauty regimen to the warmer weather. That’s where we come in, we’re going to help out with some of the best summer beauty tips that we’ve learned over the years from how to avoid the sunburn to how to navigate the minefield that is the summer color palate!   So fear not ladies, your hair and skin may be in peril (albeit briefly during our fleeting summer) but here are a couple of tricks for how to make the summer work to your advantage!

SUN TAN LOTION You’ve probably heard this time and time again; it still surprises us that people don’t listen to this simple but essential summer beauty tip: wear sunscreen! Whether you’re off on holiday to the sun or simply hanging out in Hyde Park sunscreen is one of the most important items in a girl’s makeup bag. Sunscreen not only protects you from premature wrinkling it also helps avoid skin cancer – need we say more? Here are some of this year’s top sunscreens. 1. La Roche Posay Anthelios 60 Face & Body Melt in Sunscreen - £24 – This bad boy might be on the pricy side but that’s what you get for good quality! This sunscreen is quick to absorb and is also a powerful anti-oxidant to boot, plus it smells like a dream.
2. Clinique Face Cream Spf 30 - £17  Just because this is labelled as a face cream doesn’t mean that it’s not great for protecting your face, this baby is ideal for daily wear and leaves your skin feeling dewy and thoroughly moisturized. 
    3. Banana Boat Sport Performance Coolzone Ultra Mist Fine – If you’re looking for something cheap and cheerful then Banana Boat is right up your street, it does the trick and it is perfect for balmy days as it’s super cooling.


One of the many reasons that we love summer is that having even the faintest hint of a suntan does beautiful things to our faces. Suddenly caking on layers of primer, CC Cream, foundation and bronzer seems a little excessive and unnecessary. So take the opportunity to save some money on beauty products and instead invest in summer essentials
1. NARS Bronzing Powder - £26 - Avoid using heavy foundations to lend your face some colour, instead a light dusting of this bronzing powder will give your skin a healthy looking glow and enhance your natural tan.
    2. Nivea Raspebby Rose Lip Butter - £1.79 – keep this little beaut to hand on hot days to avoid any dry lip situations, plus this particular one gives leaves your pout with a beautiful rosy tint.
    3.Botanics Eyebrow Pencil - £4.03  Keep those brows preened to perfection all year round with an eyebrow pencil, opt for a slightly lighter color in the summer to avoid looking to over the top.
    4. Rimmel London The Max Volume Waterproof Mascara - £4.50 – if you’re taking a day trip to the beach or hitting the pool don’t forget to switch out your regular mascara for a waterproof one, this Rimmel London one is perfect for high impact lashes that won’t run down your face as soon as you see the sea. 
    5. NARS Lipstick in Niagara - £19  Swap winter shades for pinks and corals for a more seasonal look, this NARS lipstick is the perfect partner for a sun-kissed face, wear in the evening to smarten up any look.
    6. Yes to Grapefruit CC Cream - £11 instead of heavy face creams this amazing CC cream is the answer to all your summer beauty woes, its light on the skin and evens out blemishes and imperfections and leaves your skin looking luminous. It keeps your skin dewy and smells like a fruit salad, we strongly recommend getting hold of a bottle of this, a real must have!
    7. Stilla Eyeshaddow - £4.95 Try to steer clear of too much eye makeup for the summer months, instead a light pastel or natural color with a hint of a shimmer is all you’ll need!
    8. TOPSHOP Blush in Flush - £6  This lightweight cream blush is perfect for the summer as it doesn’t leave your skin looking dry and chalky, it’s easy to blend and leaves you with a radiant finish and for £6 it’s well worth the money.
    9. Benefit Stay Flawless 15 Hour Primer – £25  This bad boy is a make-up bag essential for the summer, this natural looking balm helps make sure that your make up stays put as fresh and flawless as if you’d just applied it, perfect for extra-long summer days.
So there are some of our tried and tested summer beauty essentials, but what about you… any brilliant warm weather tricks up your sleeves? What beauty products can you just not live without? Let’s hope that this summer lasts for more than one week!Guest post written by farfetch