Stuff That's NOT Working Out #2- Why I Will Never EVER Buy These 'Makeup Removers' Again

By Lana Ray @crazybeautyland
You know that Taylor Swift song which goes like, 'We are never, ever, ever, getting back together.....

When I remove my makeup, I expect that its going to be one of the last things I do that night in the cleansing department. The max I’m willing to do after removing makeup is to use a cleanser just to get rid of any residue from the remover. And that’s not the last step of my night time skincare, I follow it up with a toner, eye cream and moisturizer, if I have some pimples coming through, then I’ll have to apply a pimple buster as well. My point is, there is so much to do at the end of the day that anything which requires extra steps just pisses me off! I’ve gone through a lot of makeup removers and the first one I tried was the old Maybelline remover & it was way too oily and really put me off oil based cleansers completely. Which is why I came across 3 really bad makeup removers, they aren’t completely useless, but they fall quite close to that line. So when you go out to buy a new makeup remover for yourself, keep these bad eggs out of your shopping list.

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