Stretches for Hamstring

By Thegatekeeper

Exercising the muscles before a fight is important in Muay Thai. The Hamstring is a muscle group that is located at the back of the thighs stretching from the hips to the calf. As people sit for long hours, these muscles naturally shorten, therefore, there is a need for regular stretching. The hamstring is responsible for lifting the pelvis, bending the knee and most of the kicks used in Muay Thai. As many sports focus on the front tights more instead of the back, injuries of the hamstring are very common. The below exercises are going to help Muay Thai fighters avoid injuries. They are supposed to be held for no longer than ten seconds.

Sitting Stretches for Hamstrings

While sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead, a forward straight bend should be held bending from the waist, not the back. After holding the position, there is a need for relaxation. It can be repeated up to three times.

Another version of the above Muay Thai stretch is when one knee is bent with the sole against the other inner thigh. The exercise is good for focusing on one leg at each time and can be repeated 3-3 times.

Standing Stretches for Hamstrings

One of the best exercises to train and strengthen, as well as stretch out hamstrings in a standing position is when one foot crosses the other and the fighter is bending down from the waist over the front leg. The aim should be to bend from the waist and abdomen more than from the lower back and try to touch the front knee with the forehead. Both of the knees need to be kept straight and the stretch should be repeated at least two times each side with relaxing between rounds.

Yoga’s triangle pose can also be beneficial for stretching the back thigh muscles. Standing on the floor with the legs open wide, pointing the front toe ahead the person bends over it and touches the floor. The arms can be placed straight up in the air or behind the back for further stretching. This is an advanced pose and should only be held for three to five breaths initially when just getting started, with expanding the hold duration over time.

Lying Down Stretches

While completing these exercises, there is a need to warm up the abs muscles because they will be needed for holding the leg in position. While lying down on the floor placing one foot against the wall, the person should start lifting one leg in 90 degree angle while pushing the other one towards the floor. This exercise can be held for 10 breaths maximum, however, when building strength one can start with three breaths at a time.

Another version of the hamstring stretch on the floor is to lift the leg as high as possible; maybe above the head with the knees unbent. The self-stretch version would involve holding on to the knee with one hand, while the stretch can be completed with a partner who pushes the leg further. Each side stretch should be repeated three times with relaxation on the floor in between rounds.