Stop Being Professional and Start Being Real

Posted on the 17 October 2012 by Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Warning: What you’re about to experience is straight talk from our newest contributor Alycia Wicker.  Touchy feely begone!  This is good advice, so listen up.   

There is something I hear a lot from my clients and I take it as the ultimate compliment.

“I hired you because you seem so down to earth.”

I have yet to have someone say

“I hired you because you were boring and professional.”

And that is what I think most entrepreneurs start out feeling like they have to be boring. And professional. And then they start doing weird shit.

Like talking in the third person.

Picture Lulabelle. A new entrepreneur working on her website.

Here goes Lulabelle writing her “About” page…

Lulabelle loves to work with clients who want to feed their inner mechanic by teaching them how to work on a car with only three tools. When Lulabelle isn’t working on cars she likes to read books. Lulabelle has three wonderful children and a most supportive husband.

Wouldn’t you just love to hire Lulabelle? Puke, no.

I’d hire Lulabelle if her bio was more like this…

Yo! I’m Lulabelle and I like to think of myself as a monkey with a wrench. I can fix your car quicker than Kim Kardashian can get into a pair of Spanx and I want to teach you how, too. When I’m not fixing my hot rods, while listening to some Led Zeppelin, I’m reading the lastest mystery best sellers on my kindle. I’ve got three pretty cool kids and a husband who isn’t afraid to snuggle with a girl who smells like Lava Soap.

Eff yes! I want to hire Lulabelle. She sounds like she’s fun!

What is the moral of the story chirren? Be you, you are cool enough to begin with and acting like a stuffy professional is sooooo 2000.