Stitching Update: Hair, Hair Everywhere

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

The picture this week isn’t great.  My hand kept shaking while I was trying to take the picture.  Even with no real holiday plans I’ve still managed to catch the holiday season jitters.  I was hoping to get all the hair and part of the ear done this week, but that obviously hasn’t happened.  This side of the hair is lighter than the other and I’m curious to see how that color change plays into the rest of the piece.  You can see the lighter blue where the “moonlight” is supposed to be falling on Leo.

I’m so excited to get this piece finished I’m not doing any Christmas crafts this year and devoting myself entirely to working on my lioness.  I think it’ll be worth it in the long run.

So what projects are you working on this week?