Steelers Be Ready to Pony up Uber Dinero to Resign Ben Next Year

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
Dalton gets a 6yr, 115 million dollar contract from the bungholes for just being a good QB, nothing more!
1st this shows the Bungholes are idiots.
2nd this shows the NFL is out of control on its spending (especially on QB's, and yes I know how important they are)
$25 hot dogs and $19 cokes anyone?
3rd it tells the Steelers to bust open the coffers, if you want Ben back after this contract. If he has a monster year, you had better rob fort Knox!!!
Yes I know the bullet points for the drones, so, save your breath. Reality is, this is an un-sustainable business model and it is just a matter of time before it implodes under the weight of its own financial idiocy. The amounts being spent are absurd. The way it is being un-evenly distributed to certain positions is a disaster waiting to happen.
It is a pyramid and yes the top gets the most individual money, but as everything in the universe follows the same principals, this will collapse.
The money (mass) spread out among each layer must equal or exceed the money (mass) on top of it, or it will collapse. Not immediately, but the top heavy stresses will topple the whole thing eventually.
See, I get the whole idea of stopping the insane money that was being paid to top draft choices, who had proven nothing. However, to fight that battle to just take that money and top load the salary structure is truly an "out of the frying pan and into the fire" scenario. The blinding affect of greed will prevail here, unless some sanity is restored to those guiding the NFL.
Figure it out fools, before you ruin my beloved NFL!!!!!!!
Did you see my post about the tickets you were talking about?
I did see your post. Thank you.
As it turns out I may be able to get single game tickets through a promotion where my wife works as well. I'll have to compare prices and see which has the better seats at a reasonable price.