By Fitnessontoast @fitnessontoast

This quick little dish is both light as a feather and yet as filling as you need; perfect for lunch or dinner, and surprisingly rich in flavor. It is of course the sauce that brings it to life through the combination of flavours – sweet, tangy and salty, employing the diversity of ginger, chilli and orange juice. It’s bursting with fresh flavours and if you’re entertaining friends (whilst it is in fact super easy to make) these cute little bamboo steaming baskets always deliver a soft ‘ooooh’ and ‘ahhhh’ sound from the guests (they’re easily impressed!). Little do they know that a 12 year-old culinary novice could whip this entire dish together in less than 10 minutes! It’s a delicious quick and easy dish to add a bit of variety to a fish ‘staple’; just click MORE to get the ‘How To’…!