Staying Well and Feeling Amazing This Winter (How To…)

By Jamie Koonce @charcuterielove

This is a bar set up inside the outdoor Christmas Market in Madrid. Despite all the charcuterie and vino, there seems to be no obesity and no colon hydrotherapy clinics. Of course, most animal products are raised in traditional and ecologically sustainable ways, without the use of rBST and GMOs.

It’s Weight Loss Marketing Season!

It’s just been a few days since Thanksgiving Day, and the advertisements for gym memberships and weight loss programs have already begun.  It’s kinda sad that so many businesses prey upon people’s insecurities just to make money off of them (and without really caring whether their customers get healthy, reach their optimal body composition, or feel happier once they’ve reached their goal).  No one is skinny the day before Thanksgiving and then suddenly sick and fat the day after, but the marketers try to make everyone feel guilty after indulging in holiday treats or skipping a workout for a family gathering.

Thanksgiving is only one day.  It’s what you eat and how you workout on all the other days of the year that really makes a difference in your overall health & appearance.  If you ate a little bit too much pumpkin pie (or scarfed down the stuffing and mashed potatoes), don’t fret.  Just eat less in the following days.  Do a 24 hour fast.  Or use PaleoCleanse in place of one meal per day for a couple of weeks.  Be good to your body and it will be good to you (and so will your favorite pair of skinny jeans).

And It’s Cold Season!

The weather is getting chillier as the days go by, and as you know, it’s cold season.  Chances are, people all around you are coughing, sneezing, and sniffling, spreading their rhinovirus and who knows what else all over doorknobs, shopping carts, and other “communal” surfaces.  Plan to stay well.  But be prepared in case you wake up with that horrible feeling: sore throat, fever, chills, body aches, stuffy nose.  The perfect remedy to have on hand for all this is Dispel Invasion, a Traditional Chinese Medicine remedy that has been used safely and effectively for centuries.  Tell Tylenol and NyQuil/DayQuil you’d rather keep your liver than to use their cheap and toxic products!