Staying Healthy to Stay Sane

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

The past few months have been really stressful and I am thankful that I am able to stay active to help with all that stress. After the tragedy in Boston yesterday all I could think about was how heavy my heart felt. How hard it is to keep hearing these horrible news stories. I really wish things like this didn’t happen. But we live in a world where violence is acceptable (for some reason I can’t understand) and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. So to deal with all of the stress of life and world events I choose to be active and live a healthy lifestyle.

I am thankful that I can do those things. That I can get a workout in to help take my mind off of tragedy. Last night after watching the news I went and got a workout in. It felt important that I go do something that would help me deal with that stress, an activity to help me process. I convinced Scott to come to Body Pump with me, some time to spend together and be active. That time together isn’t something that I want to take for granted, all those people in Boston whose time was cut too short will never have that chance. It can seem trivial to go do a workout in the midst of all the tragedy but it helped. To bring my mind to a place of focus when I couldn’t seem to grasp why someone would do something so horrible.

During times of stress is the reason that I choose to live a healthy lifestyle! Doing my best to focus on those around me and send thoughts to those in need. Whether it is Boston, our troops serving overseas, a sick family member or something I am dealing with staying active helps me be a better person. It makes me want to give more, to volunteer my time and to support those around me in any way I can.

So I did a workout for Boston last night, it may not be much but it felt like something I could do to send a little love into a sometimes hateful world. This post is part of a series for C9 for Target and I didn’t want to trivialize yesterdays events, so I wrote about why living a healthy lifestyle is especially important right now.

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