Stay Happy on Social Media: Posting and Trolling with Mindfulness

By Drpamelarutledge @pamelarutledge
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Don’t buy into the myth that social media is the path to mental illness, depression or overwhelming envy. It is just part of our social world. We are all imperfect and different. That’s part of the beauty of people and makes life more interesting. That doesn’t mean we don’t aspire to be our best selves. From a positive psychology perspective, practicing our best selves not only generates positive emotions, it helps us visualize the path to our goals. You can do it in a journal, of course, but people often do it on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.  If you start looking at social media posts as people’s goals rather than bragging, you will have more appreciation for them and yourself. Recognize that it’s normal to post the good stuff.  Who wants to be forever reminded of the things that didn’t go well?  If you find other people’s post annoying, reclaim your power: unfriend, unfollow or log-off. If you wouldn’t hang out with them offline, so why do you torment yourself with toxic friends on Instagram or Facebook. Pro user tip: evaluate your own posts. Are you guilty of the same kind of posts that you don’t like from other people?  A little self-reflection never hurts.

Avon calls this #beautyforapurpose, but thanks to Mom, we all know that beauty is only skin deep. Positive psychology tells us that finding purpose and meaning in life is the best path to self-esteem and satisfaction with life. So try #livingforapurpose and adopt mindful posting.  Think about your intention and the message you are sending to others.  Your posts say a lot about you in the sub-text.  Is this the message you mean to be sending?  Want are you trying to tell your audience?  Are you treating them with the honesty, authenticity, and respect you would like?  Golden Rule of Posting.  After all, they are supposed to be your “friends.”

Thanks @avon for posting the tips. As Eleanor Roosevelt supposedly said, no one can make you feel bad without your help.  See the tips for staying happy on social media at