Star Wars Rogue One Trailer: Opinions and Thoughts

Posted on the 14 August 2016 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy

Now then. I like Star Wars, all the Movies, even Episode One. Yes, Even Episode One. It's not a masterpiece but it is a pretty decent start to the Star Wars saga. Anyway, I'm not here to talk about the beginnings of Anakin and the physical comedy (ho ho, that numb tongue bit kills me every time) of Jar Jar Binks. But I am here to talk about my reaction to the trailer for the latest Star Wars Movie, Rogue One.
Rogue One A Star Wars Story follows a group of resistance fighters, led by Jyn Erso (played by Felicity Jones), as they embark on a daring mission to steal plans for the Death Star. So where does the story take place in the word of Star Wars? Well, it leads up to the events of Episode Four A New Hope, before Luke was embroiled in the whole rebel thing and before the Death Star was a widely known threat. So, now I've got the timeline bit out of the way I can move on to the trailer, and perhaps drone on about some of the finer details.

Does it look any good?
Silly question. Even though the question came from me. Anyway, of course it looks good. The trailer has many of the Star Wars elements that make it, well, Star Wars like. There are several iconic vehicles from the Star Wars universe including AT AT Walkers, Tie Fighters and Star Destroyers. All very welcome additions I for one will be taken back to my childhood when the Walkers stomp across the big screen. Hopefully the old vehicles won't be overused after all it would be nice to see a few new one's in the mix. I'm sure we won't be disappointed. Let's face it, new vehicles in the movie translates to a cool new range of toys. Of course to someone my age the word collectables is more of an appropriate word. Vehicles and ships aside, the trailer for Rogue One also sports an interesting range of characters. The standout characters for me are a cool looking monk type guy and a rather tall robot. There is an appearance by Mon Mothma, a character who first appeared in Episode three Revenge Of The Sith. Another nice touch that should please the nostalgic's like myself. And and at the end of the trailer we have a very nice surprise indeed. Darth Vader himself makes an appearance albeit only briefly. But it was enough to generate excitement and draw out my inner geek.

What can I say. I can't wait for the release of Star Wars Rogue one. When I first heard about the Movie I assumed that it would be a cheap cash in to fill in the gaps. But so far, judging from the trailers, it looks like so much more than that. I'm expecting great things this December.
We will take great pleasure in reviewing Rogue One A Star Wars Story on the day of release. UK 16th December.
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