Stamping with the Bundle Monster CYO Set 2014

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Last weekend my mom and dad came over to my house to visit with us, and after dinner my mom and I did nails. I had been wanting to use the new Bundle Monster CYO set for some more looks and this is the one that I did for my mom.

For this look I started with a base of Zoya Savita and used China Glaze I'd Melt for You to stamp with. I really wanted to use this leaf image and my mom liked it too, BM-617. Sorry about the red lobster hands, I used my camera phone and the lighting in my dining room wasn't the best for pictures.
My mom told me that she liked the nails and wore them for a whole week before taking this look off; not too bad!
I can't wait to use this plate set for more looks in the future; there are so many great designs.
Do you like seeing some of the looks that I do on my friends and family or do you prefer to just see my own looks?

*Products in this post were provided for my honest review*