Stacking the Shelves | #59

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought - also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks I don't buy any books I'll scramble around my shelves and find some I haven't shared in an StS post yet!

1 Dead In Attic - Chris RoseCity of Refuge - Tom PiazzaAmerican Sniper - Chris Kyle
I'm really interested to read American Sniper - and determined to do so before watching the movie. I think all three of this week's books will be difficult reads based on subject matter, but worth it.
What about you guys? Pick up any great books this week? Pull any off your shelves and dust them off? Share in the comments! <div class="statcounter"><a title="blogger counters" href="" class="statcounter"><img class="statcounter" src="" alt="blogger counters" /></a></div>