Spring Has Sprung.

By Heather Murphy @MrsMurphysLOF

Happy Monday, all!

I hope you guys had a great weekend. Ours was pretty low- key and relaxing. We did a lot of backyard sittin’ and playing in the park. Hanging out anywhere we could enjoy the beautiful weather.

Saturday, mom and I took advantage of Saturdays in the Park with a free Insanity class.  It doesn’t get much better than a kick- ass workout on a beautiful Saturday in downtown.

If you live in the Huntsville area you should definitely check it out. May 17th is what they are dubbing ‘Super Saturday in the Park‘ where they will offer a wider variety of classes and vendors will be there demonstrating ways to choose healthy food options and cooking demonstrations, along with free health screenings and activities for the kids. I will be at the YMCA booth so come say hi!

Of course no warm spring Saturday would be complete without some ice cream..

Eventually he took over..

Yesterday was another park day to watch the drummers and Joseph decided to take over that, too..

I know this was baby overload, but Joseph was particularly cute this weekend and I couldn’t deprive you all of it.

Get into any outdoor fun worth mentioning??