Spring Break Begins

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

It’s Monday again, and today on my sister-blog Zombie Coffee Press we are featuring the poetry of England native Nathan Rowark.  You if you feel like a creepy poem for the day, check out Skullery here.  I guess I’m enjoying my first official day of spring break (the weekend doesn’t count because I have those off anyway).  I spent the morning playing with Speech-to-text-recognition on my computer.  It’s kinda fun, although a little creepy to talk to something that doesn’t talk back.  I also spent a while studying for the GRE.  Did much better on today’s test than yesterday’s, so if I keep this kind of improvement up I should be getting a near perfect score Wednesday.  Or so I hope.

I finally have some progress to show on my current big cross stitch project

I’m hoping to have even more done by wednesday, so look out for a double progress report this week.

I have also come to the conclusion that day-time t.v. is really terrible and I miss my soaps All My Children and OLTL.  Anyway, hope you all have a great day, go do something crafty.  And if you haven’t yet you should take a look at my shelves from Sunday.  I’m really proud of them.