Spot the Loonies

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Alabama was a late starter to the “sex trafficking” idiocy spewing contest, but it’s apparently trying to make up for lost time.  I originally intended to file this one under “Banishment” because of the “sex trafficking free zone” angle, but the more I looked at it the more I realized I really needed to share this kiddie-train wreck in all of its moronic, inbred glory.  Because we’ve all been down this path so many times before, I’ll label the more-recognizable tropes with the appropriate tags.

The 2021 World Games are just around the corner and increased tourism means a possible increase in sex trafficking.

Broken Record!

Vestavia Hills…Mayor Ashley Curry signed a [magical] proclamation…that will require all city staff to be trained on how to spot sex trafficking.  The proclamation makes Vestavia Hills the first city in the state to take an initiative against sex trafficking…

Yes, I’m absolutely sure no other city in Alabama has ever wasted public funds with anti-sex trafficking “proclamations” (except, of coure, for the ones that have).  And is “Spot the Trafficker” a new game show?

“But it’s not just a problem in Vestavia Hills, it’s the whole metro Birmingham area,” said Curry. “In fact, I-20 and I-65, that happens to cross at Birmingham, those interstates are known as the superhighway for sex trafficking.”

I think we can count that as a claim for King of the Hill, though I’m rather shocked the “Superhighway for Sex Trafficking” doesn’t go anywhere near the “Harvard of Sex Trafficking“.

…“They have to sign the actually [sic] proclamation proclaiming the city a traffic-free zone similar to a drug free zone…They have to adopt a zero tolerance policy for purchasing sex at work. That goes along with the data that we found that the number one time people purchase sex is 3:00 p.m. at work and we’re looking for ways to curb the demand,” said Jordan Gidden with CTSP…

As if plagiarizing other prohibitionists’ bizarre fantasies about some huge fraction of sex workers’ business happening at one particular hour weren’t bad enough, they can’t even get the claim right (the original fantasy was 2 pm, not 3).  Yet, as I said in my original article on the topic, “idiots lap up this shit like a dog eating its own vomit.”

There are two signs Gidden said someone is being trafficked: “If the person looks confused, doesn’t know where they are or what they are in [sic] or what time it is that is a sign they are being trafficked,” explained Gidden. “A lot of people who are trafficking victims have branded tattoos with their traffickers name in a visible location and that’s a power tool that the trafficker will use to assert their power over the victim.”

So now being confused or losing one’s watch or phone is a sign of “sex trafficking”, and ninja pimps now use magical mind-control tattoos as “power tools”, presumably like a router, a belt sander, or a die grinder.  So when the “trafficking” business gets slow (due to being glutted with all those tens of millions of “slaves”), the “sex trafficker” can use their victims’ tattoos to make money on construction sites.