Spending Ban #8

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
Firstly this week I want to say a big thank you to everyone who promoted and joined in on the #spendingban twitter chat. We managed to get it trending which I just couldn't believe. It was such fun sharing tips and trick with you guys. Also seeing how you were all getting on.
 Up there with Destiny's Child & Justin Timberlake. ;)Every Thursday at 8pm there will now be a chat, I am not sure how long this will last as I am worried it might get a bit repetitive but we will just go with it and see what happens. Any suggestions on how we can keep the chats interesting, let me know.
I thought in my Sunday Spending Ban posts I would do a little recap of what went on in the hour of the chat.
It seems that most of you are doing well and have not spent any money which is amazing. I did see a couple of people had slipped up a little but were determind to get back on it. I for one can put my hands up and say that when I was doing this over Christmas I well and truely slipped up.
It also seemed like a lot of you have found that, since cutting down on spending money on beauty items you have noticed yourself being more careful with other spending habits. For example, getting cheaper deals for eating out and going for cheaper alternatives if you do buy anything.
During the chat I asked what are peoples top tips for sticking to the ban and I thought I would share some of them with you.
AllThatSlap - Delete emails from shops/websites to avoid temptation.
Janeywaney78 - Cut up your credit cards and delete paypal
BlogOfShadows - What you will want, will still be there when the ban is over.
Other tips included using cash instead of card to pay for things, shopping your stash and look for dupes in your collection.
I hope some of these tips will help you as much as they are helping me.
It is now day 13 into my 100 day spending ban and I haven't bought any beauty items!! yay. :) I am very pleased with myself for getting back to it after my little blip after Christmas. Here is to another 87 days. :/
So how has the last few days been for you guys? you still staying strong?