Special Places

By Ros @scotlandphohos

I was away at the weekend, somewhere I love visiting. Somewhere that’s on my list of ‘special places’ which I’ve find myself returning to many times for so many different reasons. I found myself wondering afterwards quite what that little phrase means – it’s so easy to say, and suddenly seemed an inadequate way to describe any of the  places that have been full of so many new experiences for me.

A special place

What does it mean?

A place

A place to walk

A place for laughter, shared sorrows

A place for contemplation

A place for people

A place for playing together, growing together

A place for new friends, old friends, young friends

A place for rituals, and surprises

A place for change

A place for nature, community, spirit

A place to join together

A place for generosity and gifts

A place full of colour, shapes, action, vitality and calm,

A place for music

What does it mean?

A space

Space to run

Space to share

…and space for solitude together

Space to learn, to experiment, create, lean and stretch

Space for honesty and insight

Space to retreat and advance

Space to be

What does it mean?


Time to stop

Time for beauty and shadows

Time to walk sing and dance alongside another

Time for fleeting connections and deepening bonds

Time to let go, and time to hold on

Time for thinking and emptiness

Time to focus

To share regrets, fears and hope

Time for grace

Time to feel

Time for stillness

Time to weep, in sorrow and in laughter