Special Discount for Low Carb Denver 2020

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Ready, set, and go mark your calendars! Low Carb Denver, one of the biggest low-carb conferences in the world, is set for Thursday, March 12 through Sunday, March 15, 2020. Key members of the Diet Doctor team are going to be there, and you can join us through a very special discount.

As part of our amazing Diet Doctor community, you're invited to get a time-limited discount to this essential conference, now in its fifth year, organized by Drs. Jeffry Gerber and Rod Taylor. Hear fascinating presentations from some of the world's leading experts in low-carb and keto eating. Meet and mingle with others who are excited and knowledgeable about this transformative lifestyle. Share your progress and find solutions and support for your challenges. Let's learn about low carb, together.

Throughout the month of October, you'll get $30 off the conference rate. Full-price tickets are $420, but you can book early for just $390 until October 31.

To sign up and get your special discount, just visit the conference website and click "the Register and Purchase Tickets" tab. When prompted, enter this promotional code: LCD20DDMD.

Want more? Stay tuned for an exclusive event we're planning just for members. More than a dozen of us will be there, not only filming the event for our videos, but answering your questions and celebrating your success. We're so excited to meet you!