Welcome to another installment of:
Social Saturdays!
This is where we find out what the staff members of Long Awkward Pause are Tweeting, Facebooking, Instragraming, MySpacing, Ebaying, Emailing, Halloweening, and whatever else they maybe doing instead of writing articles.
You are probably following most of them anyway…and if you’re not, you should…but here is one handy dandy place to find a week’s worth of stupidity in one neatly, double spaced, Bold Roman fonted page.
Jacyln Ashley:
List of X
Jack DeVoss
Joe Jewett
Katie Hoffman
Ned Hickson
Ned has been killing it (and himself we fear) as he is one of the top nominees on The Public Blogger A Star is Born end of the year awards. Please visit the page to get the details. The next round is on November 8th. They are usually general public voting, so a vote for Ned is a vote for…well Ned. Let’s keep him on top! (of the standings list you sick-o!)
Facebook: Long Awkward Pause
Twitter: @LongAwkPause
Tumblr: Long Awkward Pause Mag
Podcast: iTunes, PodOmatic, TuneIN, Stitcher
Email: longawkpause@gmail.com
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