Social Media Post Ideas For Business Growth

Posted on the 04 February 2021 by Steveonline @steve_online

We all get stuck sometimes. Knowing we need to stay in the public eye on social media but lacking post ideas to get ourselves moving forward in creating content. (** Note: If you have not cleaned up your social media profiles read this article and do that first **)

Sometimes, you already have content ready to post and have not recognized it yet. Hopefully, this list will help you find creating quality social media posts easier and uncover ways to leverage the content and post ideas you may already have.

Let’s get right into it.


First off, here are a bunch of post ideas you can do right now with minimal effort or research. These are what I would call “engagement posts” with no goal other than building and nurturing your community:

  • A poll for your followers
  • Valuable information from other influencers
  • Industry related news
  • A question for your followers to answer
  • Links to promote email signups
  • Thank your followers for something (like hitting company milestones)
  • Asking for customer feedback
  • Comment on a trending topic
  • Industry-related predictions
  • Inviting people to ask questions

Next up is Company Culture. It’s a huge thing you should be sharing and it serves multiple purposes. You can discuss your company / brand and the people who make it what it is. Some of the ideas you can post about include:

  • Photos of your employees
  • Company accomplishments and milestones
  • A behind the scenes video of your business
  • Information about upcoming events
  • Historical info related to your business (throwback photos, etc.)
  • Company culture posts (photos, behind the scenes, etc.)
  • A day in the life post (CEO, COO, etc.)
  • Photos from recent company events
  • Holiday-related posts

Customer and Partner culture is also a no-brainer. Share your customer journey and experiences with your social community. It helps highlight not only your work but your customers as well. Discuss your partner companies and the value they bring to the table.

  • Content that your customers have created (related to your business)
  • Promotion of a partner business
  • Case studies from customers
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Finally we get to downright promotion of your brand. These pieces may be a little work, or a lot. It all depends on how deep you are going with the content. A comment and link to an old blog posts takes far less time than designing an infographic, but both can bring value (and hits) to your website and increase your social engagement.

  • Create a video promo for one of your products or services
  • Detailed infographic on a topic you are an authority on
  • A tutorial video on a common problem
  • A tip or trick that will solve a simple challenge
  • Job listings / Hiring Announcements
  • Live Videos
  • Industry-related statistics / articles
  • Links to sales and specials (where applicable)
  • Sneak peek at something that’s coming
  • Link to your newest blog post
  • Link to an older blog post
  • Creating FAQ’s

All these post ideas will help you find more direction in your social media postings. Take a handful and write up some bullet point notes on what you want to do for them. Consider the fact you can theme things together or break out many of these items from a larger post.

Example: If you draft an 1800-word article it will be the resource material you need for a few social posts with links, a graphic or two pulling quotes, an infographic, etc. The pillar article becomes the base all of the other content will lead to.

Make sure you maximize the value you get out of the hard work you put in.

Getting inspiration for new post ideas is not always easy. Having a list like this will certainly help get you started. Let’s kick that social media content creation into overdrive!