Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 – Ginger Sooty Reports Day 6

By Gingerfightback @Gingerfightback

Ginger Sooty, GLOVE PUPPET OF DREAMS provides a daily round-up of events at the Winter Olympics that are, quite simply Sochi 2014.

The Dutch are doing well in the Shpeed Shkating with Art Gorthuis claiming the gold in der men’s 1,000 metersh with a fantashtic dishplay. Enormoush thighsh to a man ash well! 

Canada beat Great Britain in the women’s marbles on ice (they call it curling)  – so we say INVADE!

A couple of sports to look out for.

1. Full Contact Yodeling

Violent, brutal and full of throaty eroticism, the must see sport of these games. All you need to play are a set of Fold mountains, pronounced glacial erosion and the ability to stand atop a peak and yodel incessantly then hurtle down the scree towards your opponent who is hurtling and yodelling in his/her descent from across the valley.

A “Yodel Off” then ensues. In the event of a tie, thigh slapping is used to determine the winner.

Italian Mario Zucchini, a man with vocal chords that could slice cheese, is favorite. We certainly hope so-de-lay-hee-hee.

Ireland’s Paddy McMuff the self-styled “Ululating Ulsterman” may feature.

2. Agoraphobic Biathlon

Test event at this year’s games.

Actually it started ten days ago but no-one has left the changing tent yet.  The sound of knees knocking together dominates.

Yeng Bing Yang of China took a peek out of the tent and this places her in the gold medal position.

Enjoy The Games!