So Jon Took out a Dating Ad

By Reporterandgirl @reporterandgirl

Lol, I actually don’t think it’s Jon, it doesn’t look like his handwriting and that certainly isn’t his number.

So apparently dating and relationships have become so difficult to navigate, especially here in New York City as you guys can imagine by reading my story, that this poor soul decided to take out an ad.

Well…it’s not an official advert, as I’m sure it exceeds the 200 character limit, and its handwritten and has been posted on the A and C trains and on bus stops and poles on the busy streets of Brooklyn. Apparently this guy may not have heard of this thing called the internet a place where, if you play your cards right, you can find a date any night of the week.

Seriously, do you know how many free dating sites and dating services there are?

Thousands…and they can match whatever specific niche you fall into such as: LGBTQIA, Christian, Goth, Ayn Rand/Libertarians, Vampiricists, Sugar daddy/baby (and this is just one site!!), and so on…

I wonder which niche this guy falls into?

Let’s break down the ad.

“One Nite Stands Only”

Hhhhhhhmmmmm……off the bat, there is already something wrong if you’re incomprehensible in asking for a one night stand.

He also very specifically outlines what kind of dates he will go on with you: Library, window shopping (he won’t buy you anything), Dutch dating (nooooo….he ain’t taking you on a trip!), You get a choice to be dined and wined at any of these particular establishments: McDonalds, Wendys, Popeyes, or Subway’s EAT FRESH! Except that they don’t serve wine…..

Or you can have an “ice cream and cake” date, or a soda date, or maybe just coffee date.

Well, I am an ice cream and cake girl myself…so this is rather tempting!

And you can’t see it but on the outer edge the note says “Females Only!!” So sorry guys, I know this offer is just too ridiculously good to pass up!

But the one thing that got me, was the “Maybe romance” on the bottom edge of the corner? I mean come ooooonnnn….why not go all the way? Well, that definitely doesn’t sound like the reporter.

So what do you guys think? A prince in disguise?

He’ll take you to all the romantic spots that every girl looking for a one “nite” stand likes: the zoo (gotta pay for your own ticket), the library, and a soda date.

Would you give him a call, or send him an email?

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