Btw, what happened to Lindsay Lohan's face? 0_o
The other night at work I had to page my supervisor for something, I can't even remember what. Apparently after I paged him I didn't hang up the phone properly. I continued ringing out customers and someone noticed US Weekly which currently has a pregnant Snooki on the cover. We started talking about her pregnancy and I started cracking jokes. A lot of them were from the status below, and a few of my own like if Snooki breast feeds her baby that kid will probably be constantly wasted and child services will probably go wait in the hospitals waiting room the second they hear she's gone into labor. I even quoted her from one of the few episodes I've seen. Personally I hate Jersey Shore. I think it gives whorible messages to our already retarded youth such as "this is the night to go all out and get drunk, steal a plant, have sex with an old man and get arrested"Little do I realize everything I'm saying is being broadcast to the pharmacy and the back room. Thank god it wasn't through out the whole store. After about 10 minutes my pharmacist friend I talked about in Crappy Finger Painting comes to the front. I said "oh hey _____ I've never seen you come up here before" he's laughing and says "just a tip you might want to hang up the phone"