SNACK ATTACK! Fight off Cravings with These Super-Foods

By Carolyn @CarolynHeintz

They come in the night.

Or the morning.

Or that awkward time between lunch and dinner…


It’s important not to ignore these cravings; one of the primary rules of living well is picking up on what your body is telling you. If your body is telling you it’s hungry, it’ll get mad if you don’t listen.

So first of all, drink a glass of water. Oftentimes, we mistake thirst for hunger and a glass of water will do the trick (it will also make you fuller!).

If the craving remains, it’s time to attack with some mighty Super-Foods!

1)   Want something fresh and juicy?  Try blueberries.

  1. These little guys are jam-packed full of antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin C. Look for blueberries that are a dark blue because they have more antioxidants.

2)   Want to satisfy a sweet tooth? Try dark chocolate.

  1. No, this isn’t a joke. Dark chocolate has a bunch of antioxidants and has been show to lower blood pressure.

3)   Want something a little salty? Go for some popcorn.

  1. Okay, not the butter-drenched movie theater kind. Go for a low-fat, butter-free option and sprinkle a tiny bit salt if necessary. There are also alternative ways of cooking popcorn to increase its benefits.

4)   Craving something a little nutty? Grab some almonds.

  1. Almonds are small bundles of energy and can lower cholesterol, provide healthy fats, and strengthen bones and teeth. Can you say super?

5)   Looking for some veggies? Try lentils.

  1. Lentils are high in fiber, iron and vitamin-C—not to mention the fact they are so filling.

Kale, edamame, green tea, walnuts and sunflower seeds are also great options.

The point is there are dozens and dozens of healthy snacks out there that are delicious, filling, and oh-so-yummy. Never fear, Superfoods are here!

Peace, love, and health,