Now let's get started...After I have cleansed and moisturised I tend to still get flakes on my lips. Nothing too major but you know the type that every damn lipstick or stain sticks to meaning you can never achieve a flawless lip. So before applying a full face of makeup I slather on some Vaseline onto said lips. I then go about my makeup routine which usually takes about 10 minutes. Then, before applying any lipstick/balm/gloss or whatever takes my fancy that day I take a cotton bud (q-tip I believe to friends across the pond) and I rub this back and forth, removing all the Vaseline and any dry patches which were there before. And Et voila!, super smooth lips! This is a good trick to do at night before bed and then applying a super rich moisturising balm, one of my favourites being the Blistex intensive moisturiser. Seriously this is ridiculously powerful stuff. When I had jaw surgery, my lips were cracked and dry to the core and this product was the only thing that sorted them out in a couple of days!
How do you keep your lips smooth?