Small Changes, But Big Difference?!?! - Brow Waxing & Me

By Makeupguineapig @MakeUpGuineaPig
I am terrible at maintaining my eyebrows. I don’t have a uni-brow or a mono-brow or whatever you’d like to call it. My brows are not thick, full or horribly unruly. In fact, I have what most would probably consider horrible brows just in that they are quite thin and very sparse. Despite that, I do like to get them waxed. Nothing drastic, but just to clean up the random hairs here and there and have the super long bits trimmed. They are so much easier to fill in when they’re well groomed. My plan for this post was to show you what a difference having your brows waxed can make, but after looking at my before and after pictures, I can’t say that I see much difference from afar. So, what am I left with to ramble on about today?

Well, not much! J As I said above, my brows become quite a bit easier to fill in, and the finished result looks better when they are well-maintained. The hairs lie flatter and waxes and gels are no longer an absolute necessity. I can better see the line of my actual brow hairs for filling in, but since they’re different widths, I’m not sure that makes a huge difference either. So is it worth it? Well, in my eyes it is.

Unwaxed Brows

So, why is it worth it to me? Well, brows are seriously important. They balance your face and without them you just look odd. I had a boyfriend who had strawberry blonde eyebrows that were basically invisible and he looked ridiculous without his glasses on – thank goodness for those glasses! I suffer from a similar affliction because, though my brow hairs are definitely brown, the hairs are spaced so far apart that they may as well be blonde (a nice bonus since I fry the hell outta my hair with gallons of bleach!). But from a distance, my brows virtually disappear without some additional help from a pencil, a powder, a pomade, what-have-you. And that’s where the easier-to-fill-in-after-waxing comes in.

After Brow Waxing

I feel like I have to fill in my brows. Tinted brow gels and colored waxes just don’t cut it for my brows. It’s not my favorite task, but it makes such a difference. And if it’s something I don’t like to do but feel that I need to do to complete my face, it better be as easy as possible! J So I guess I’m trying to rationalize my need to wax my brows. No one else may notice much difference, but to me, it makes all the difference in the world!

How do you feel about your brows? Do you find shaping them makes a difference? Do you need to fill them in like I do? I'd love to hear your brow woes!!!