Slow Cooker Sunday: Short Ribs Braised in Wine

By Veronica46

These Short Ribs are ridiculously delicious. They are even better a few days after you make them. If you can wait that long and not eat them.

There are so many people who love the idea of a slow cooker, because it is such a great idea. It is so simple. All you have to do is open the pot, insert the ingredients, cover the pot and turn on the machine. Eight or so hours later, after a hard day at the office or taking care of the kids, you uncover a delicious perfectly cooked meal.

Its a miracle.

Indeed it is. That is exactly how the slow cooker works with most dishes such as soups and other proteins that do not require browning.

However, if it is a deeply flavored meat dish you are looking for, you will need to do a bit more prep work. Brown food certainly does taste good. There is no way you will be able to brown your meat or vegetables in the confines of a moist slow cooker.

At this point you may be asking yourself why anyone would bother to make short ribs with a slow cooker if it requires so much hands on effort? The answer is simple, nothing beats the low and steady temperature of a slow cooker when it comes to producing the tastiest and most tender short ribs you have ever eaten.

Red Wine Braised Slow Cooker Short Ribs



Peace be with you,
