Sleepers and Sluggards

By Mwillis
The timber for my new raised beds has arrived!

That's 12 sleepers, each 10 x 20 x 240cm, enough for two beds. That'll keep me busy for a while!

The "sluggards" (dictionary definition "a slothful person; an idler.") in the title of my post are these --- Radicchio plants:

These photos make them look a lot bigger than they are. In all honesty they are tiny. I don't know why, but they have just done nothing. I have grown Radicchio many times before and it has usually been much better than this.

At the rate they are going it will be about May before they are big enough to be worth bothering with. And Sod's Law says they will probably bolt anyway! On the plus side, some of my lettuce must be congratulated for having survived temperatures of at least minus 7 Celsius this past week:

A definite case of "Win some, lose some".