Slash Costly Divorces: How Not to Engage Yourself into an Overspending Quest to Quash Your Marriage

By Kim Jol

Marriage preparations can drain your wallets, so can divorce. Sometimes, it could even be worse considering the amount of time and assets you both had as a couple.

Most expensive divorces in history

Recently, a Russian oligarch by the name of Dmitry Rybolovlev split from his wife of 23 years, Elena and got the highest record among all expensive divorces in history. The two had started with the proceedings year 2008. After five years, it got Dmitry’s wife snaring $4.5 billion worth of divorce settlement.Huge amounts of money have been shelled out by several other celebrities before. These include Mel Gibson and Robyn Moore with a total of $850 million in assets split, Elin Nordegren receiving $110 million on account of Tiger Woods’s cheating scandal highlighted by a golf chart case, and Amy Irving receiving $100 million after her split with famous film director Steven Spielberg.

Overspending for divorce purposes?

Divorce may be unavoidable for some married couples, but there is always an easy way to settle everything without too much money involved. Here are steps to do away with this costly spending just to void your marriage vows:a. Make sure you (on your own) have your own savings. This is not to teach you to always expect negativity in your married life. You know life can be tricky. Divorce may come to your partner’s mind as he/she pleases. It can happen in just a snap and this divorce proposal can exhaust your investments, especially when your partner controls everything including your family assets. You might have difficulties appointing a divorce team due to lack of necessary resources.b. Save time and provide all necessary information to your lawyer all at the same time, instead of doing it gradually. Make sure you take note of valuable assets like pensions, IRAs, 401ks, stock options, restricted stock, annuities, deferred compensation, tax refunds, life insurance, time shares, professional licenses, and executive perks. Knowing all of these may help you both as a team to take control and study all aspects to prepare for the scheduled trials.c. You can also open accounts using your name. Consider as well not to choose the bank where you two have joint accounts. Using your own name will help you establish your own credit profile.d. Confirm and update the details in your documents once you start with the divorce proceedings. This is important for your ex not to be benefiting or inheriting anything if ever you pass away even before the court decides on its final ruling.e. Help yourself through hiring a spy or a private investigator. These days, technology can almost do anything; it can even expose you to the farthest places and rarely seen objects in the world. If the cause of the end of your bond as lovers is due to infidelity, you may check on social media sites to gain evidences on your claims if you consider yourself the victim in this scenario. Maximize your online time using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.f. Perhaps, you can talk to one another to settle everything outside the court. While it could be hard to come up with a matching decision, you both can be the judge and you will not need any suggestions from third parties. The decision of the judge may be hard to predict and you will never know up to what extent it could get. Worst case scenario is that it may give a lasting impact, especially to those who have children.Refraining from expensive divorce settlements is just a matter of being fair and being wise enough to look into the simplest details in your papers. After all, once the final ruling has been decided, you should be single and free, rather than alone and miserable.