Skinny Dippers: The Town & The City

Posted on the 05 September 2022 by Hctf @hctf

In the lead up to the release of his debut album The Town & The City Brooklyn based musician Ryan Gross released seven singles by his Skinny Dippers. Only of them, Panties, did not make the cut for the final running order. Thematically, it would have fitted perfectly - love found and lost again, but it lacked the gloss that was used for the rest of the songs, after his neighbours Jordan Dunn-Pilz and Dan Alvarez of indie pop duo Toledo had entered the picture to help him out.

Gross's knack for catchy, happy-sad lyrics on top of an intricate musical yet catchy foundation make The Town & The City the perfect soundtrack for a day that is not all sun and rainbows. New York can be a harsh mistress, loneliness and anxiety can wiggle their way in without warning, while he is dreaming of better days (Big City, Small Apartment). Landing a fulfilling relationship can be a frustrating push-pull game (Through Tryin', Highs & Lows), and finding out that the woman already got hitched (Wedding Ring) can be devastating indeed. Still, he always takes it in his stride when things went South yet again. Despite all the setbacks Gross an optimist with an unshakeable belief in a Hollywood ending.

The Town & The City is a self-released album. Buy it from his website.

  1. Boat On The Water
  2. Home
  3. Wedding Ring
  4. Through Tryin'
  5. Big City, Small Apartment
  6. Night To Day
  7. Highs & Lows
  8. Past Selves
  9. Icarus Emerged
  10. I Would Like To Say I Always Loved You

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