Skin Barrier: Why It Is So Important To Protect It?

By Gisellstylist @sexy_scissors

The outermost layer of the skin has a scientific name, stratum corneum, but is more often known as the skin barrier. The stratum corneum, often known as the skin barrier, acts as a protective shield for the deeper layers of skin.

The epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis are the outer, middle, and inner layers of your skin, respectively. The appearance of health or illness on the skin is largely determined by the condition of the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis.

Naturally, when you feel irritation, dryness, or any other sign of unhealthy skin, the first thing you should think about is the skin barrier.

It is the keratin, free fatty acids, ceramides, and cholesterol that make up the skin barrier, commonly known as the stratum corneum.

What does your skin barrier actually do?

The skin's protective barrier plays an important role in maintaining health and longevity. A strong skin barrier serves several critical purposes, and we'll go over some of the most crucial ones so you can make an informed decision.

• Sweat is produced because the skin acts as a permeability barrier to prevent the body from losing too much water.• It functions as an antimicrobial barrier, eliciting an innate immune response by identifying and then blocking the entry of pathogenic bacteria and other potentially dangerous foreign chemicals.• The skin's barrier also serves as an antioxidant to protect the body's cells, which aids in keeping the body's internal chemical environment stable.• Sensory functions such as touch, temperature, and pain are all supported by neuroreceptors and transmitters in the skin barrier.• The skin's barrier also plays a crucial role in protecting the body from potentially cancer-causing UV rays.• You can't have silky, elastic, and radiant skin without a strong skin barrier.

Symptoms of a damaged skin barrier

Not having a healthy skin barrier can increase your risk of acquiring the following skin problems:

• scaley, dry skin• itchiness• areas of roughness or discoloration• acne• localized inflammation or sensitivity• viral or bacterial infections

Tips To Keep Your Skin Barrier Healthy

You may try the following:

1. Choose the best items for your concerns

Using the appropriate skin care products is the first and last step. What is effective for some people's skin may not be the greatest choice for yours. Make sure you're investing in items that your skin will appreciate by learning about your skin type, allergies, climate, and the current condition of your skin barrier.

2. Find the ideal pH level

One's skin has its own natural pH. Skin barrier function is compromised when you use items with a pH that is drastically different from your skin's. Pick items with a pH level that's near to your skin's. A study found that while the pH of the skin is typically below 5, it can be affected by things like environmental pollutants, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, and more.

3. Restore your skin's protective barrier using plant oil

Some plant oils, according to 2018 Trusted Source research, may aid in mending the skin's protective barrier and keeping it from leaking moisture. Numerous studies have shown that these oils can kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and function as antioxidants.

Here are some of the best plant oils for your skin to consider using:

• Oil of jojoba• Mastic Gum with Coconut Oil• Black currant• Cranberry• Almond oils• Borage• Rosehip• Sunflower• Soybean• Primrose

Various plant oils have a wide range of skin care applications.

To alleviate dry skin, try using a cream or lotion with one of these oils as an ingredient. Alternatively, you can pour some oil onto your palm and massage it gently into your skin until it's absorbed.

4. Maintain a nutritious diet

Studies have shown that a diet rich in whole foods and healthy fats is the greatest way to maintain radiant skin. Skin elasticity and youthfulness can be supported by eating a diet high in fish oil, antioxidants, or fish oil supplements. In order to maintain supple, healthy skin, it is essential to drink plenty of water.

Foods that are good for your skin include:

• Citrus fruits• Vegetables with yellow or orange hues, such as carrots and apricots• Green vegetables as spinach and kale• Tomatoes• Berries• Pulses like beans, peas, and lentils• Fatty seafood like salmon and mackerel• Nuts

5. Stop exfoliating more than necessary!

Using rough scrubs for more exfoliation than you need will strip the skin of its natural oils. If you exfoliate too often, you'll end up with oily skin. If your sebaceous glands are overactive, they may start producing too much oil, which can clog your pores and cause acne. Instead of utilizing brushes, return to devices that massage the skin. The trick is to take things slowly and gently.


The skin's outermost layer acts as the body's first line of protection. Because our skin is the primary interface between ourselves and the environment, it is also the primary target of any and all skincare products. As a result, it is crucial that we learn about the skin barrier, its essential roles, the factors that can compromise it, and the measures we can take to safeguard it. Always consult dermatologist in Lahore before applying any new product to your skin to avoid its reactions.


1. How long does it take to rebuild the skin's natural defenses?

The good news is that it is possible to heal a damaged skin barrier, although doing so will require some time and work. However, restoring it to its full protective capacity might take anything from a few weeks to six months, depending on the severity of the damage.

2. How do you recognize a breach in the skin's protective barrier?

Signs of a compromised skin barrier include redness, sensitivity, breakouts, dehydration, and dryness; in addition, stubborn post-breakout markings are common since damaged skin has harder time healing wounds.

3. Can the skin barrier be damaged by exfoliation?

Skin redness, flaking, and irritation can be brought on by excessive or improper exfoliation, which can weaken the skin's protective barrier. When in doubt, consult a dermatologist and always read the label carefully.