Sisters Sisters...

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi everyone!
A lot of you might not know this, but I have three sisters, Katy, Mandy & Sarah Jane. My sisters are my best friends, and always have been.  As kids, my parents always taught us to above all else, love each other, and always stay close because there is no-one else in the whole world who will truly have your back and put you first before anyone else.
Sometimes, you find that one friend, who is able to come into your life and become more to you than a random friend you see now and again...
Which brings me onto Sarah Jane...
Sarah Jane was in Katys year at school, and being just 1 year older, we often mixed circles and so we, along with Mandy always ended up spending time with her and a few others. Over the years we've all been through everything together! We've known each other for more than 14 years and are closer than ever!

Katy & Sarah Jane

Wanna hear some funny stories? YEAH YOU DO!!!
We went to Toronto together with my parents, as it turns out we got an amazing deal and ended up staying in a 5 star hotel - at the same time as Brad Pitt & David Beckham were staying there. They were away up on the top floor with all the other fancy suites, where regular visitors could not visit, however we erm... visited and stole their newspapers. Girls 1 - Brad Pitt - 0!
We also befriended a pigeon, who we named schnapple pond, he only had one leg the little soul, so we took him under our 'wing' (excuse the pun!) and we fed him for the duration of the holiday. We also saw a van that said 'schnapple' on the front and made Katy chase it with a camera.
We also went to Prague a year later, and swung round lamposts and got caught, keeping in mind we were in our 20's at the time. FAIL!
I also lost a slipper in an elevator, and had to go back to the reception area, one footed, to find the missing slipper.
Sarah jane tells people she is a lesbian to get rid of men who try their luck when we're out together - you have no idea how popular being 'the four sisters' is!
I have a B&M dance, yes, I love B&M... the shop. I also love pitbull. The ultimate dance is when I do the B&M dance... to a pitbull song. OH YEAH!

Mandy & Me :)

There are so many stories I could tell you, but the only thing you need to know is that she is our sister, and when I'm asked how many sisters I have, I always say three! Her parents are also like our parents, we call them mom and dad when we see them because we love them like our parents, and they treat us like their kids! Sarah Jane also treats our mom and dad like her parents too so it really is like we've all been blessed with two families.
We've all seen everything from heartbreak, illness, loss, love, happiness, laughter and drunken behavior, and we will always ALWAYS be blessed to have each other.
So now you know! whenever you hear or see me tweeting or posting about my sisters, you know who it includes. We're all family as far as we're concerned and are certain we will have looooads more funny things and pictures to share with you :)