By Loveandgrace @loveandgrace20

Today is Good Friday and most Christians are remembering the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Every day it is crucial to “remember”. Being a single Christian has its shadows. There is the shadow of loneliness, feeling unwanted, and the dark shadow of not knowing when God will send that special someone into your life. The perils of Christian singleness seem to cast gloom on our days. Yet, there is a light in our life that we must not allow to be hid. Living a victorious Christian single life means changing our point of view.

Old View

SINGLE christian

New View


The value of who we are as Christians greatly outweighs our relationship status. Our whole identity should not be defined by the issues of this world. I lived for many years as a single Christian woman and a short time as a married Christian woman, and some things have not changed. I am still a Christian and I still need God in my life. We have the promise to inherit the kingdom of God, and to have access to our Heavenly Father.

For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; -Ephesians 2:18-20 (KJV)

The place that we hold as Christians must dismiss the stereotypical mindset of the SINGLE christian.  The dark fears of being alone, the pressure of falling into sexual sins, or the anxiety of waiting, must be dispelled by the light of our true identity. We have access to the great “I Am”, the Heavenly Father. We have access to the comforter, the Holy Ghost. We have access to righteousness by the blood of Jesus. 

We were once strangers and without hope. During my single CHRISTIAN days I had to remember how God blessed me and and gave His life for me. There is no greater love. I was determined not to let my single life overshadow my CHRISTIAN life. 

I gain more from being a CHRISTIAN than I do from anything else. 

It is wrong to complain about the years I was unmarried. There are many singles that do not have a relationship with God. When they marry, they find that the love of their spouse is not enough to deal with all the issues of life. But we know as Christians the fulfilling love and unspeakable joy that links with communion with God. Everything of this world will pass away, including wealth, fame, and yes, even marriage. 

Hold on to the most precious treasure you will ever have. Be proud of being a single CHRISTIAN. Never hold your head down in shame, but be proud that you are all God desires for you to be. Our identity is multifaceted. You are blessed, you are the apple of God’s eye, you are chosen, you are a royal priesthood, you are victorious, you are overcomers, and so much more is the amazing makeup of who you are. 

Do not let your “single” life darken the light of your “CHRISTIAN” life. 

Your fellow heir in Christ,
