Simple Solutions for Inner Aches

By Malavika
    Take a life admin day - a whole day devoted to running those pesky errands.
  • Create admin rituals so that you can stay on top of things on a week by week basis. What can you do to make your life easier? A weekly reset day? A monthly admin day? Are there things you can automate?
  • Put yourself on a procrastination diet. Make a list of all the things you are procrastinating and challenge yourself to tick one thing off that list every day for 30 days.
      Once you start gaining momentum with this, you will find you become much more selective on the tasks you choose to put off in the first place.
If you are feeling burnt out, numb, sad, or empty.
  • Take a break from the thing that is burning you out.
  • Sleep. Take a guilt-free nap, go to bed early or let yourself have a slow snoozy morning.
  • Share with a supportive friend.
  • Create a happiness day: design a day of your favourite things to do, things that nourish you and fill your cup.
  • Commit to one daily joy practice a day.
  • Begin your day with a task that you love to do, not one you simply must do (Ex. I might give myself 30 minutes in the morning to read or write, instead of getting right into work.)
If your home feels chaotic
  • Marie Kondo your life! De-clutter and reorganize. Reconnect with what sparks joy in your home.
  • Create a beautiful space. Rearrange furniture and change the way energy flows. Open windows.
  • Play sacred sounds/mantras/chanting while you do.
  • Create an alter that holds the 5 elements.
  • Set up a weekly reset routine to helps you stay on top of it.
If you feel scattered, overstimulated, stressed, or unable to focus
  • Take a weekend off technology. No TV, phones, or laptop.
  • Disconnect with distraction, connect with life.
  • Commit to a weekly practice of disconnecting.
If you want to reconnect spiritually to the magic of life
  • Create your own ashram and design your own at home meditation retreat.
  • Practice silence throughout the day. Choose your words carefully if you must speak.
  • Fast and/or eat consciously.
  • Observe life, without labelling, without judging, without trying to assert your opinions or plans into it. Just sit back and watch.
  • Spend the day in meditation.
  • Pro level: Do nothing. Absolutely nothing. No writing, reading, watching, listening. Nothing. Only when you do absolutely nothing can you hear the cravings of your soul.

What are some other inner aches you experience in your life and how do you tend to them?

Till next time,
