Simple Soda | India Cooks

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

The last time I did a recipe on baking bread it was last year and it was a very different bread to the one I am going to share with you today! This one is fool proof and it takes literally 7 minutes to make ( minus the time spent in the oven ). It also fills the room with a delicious heavenly smell which makes you want immediately to cut into the loaf and dip it into olive oil. Mmmmmmmm , plus it will have everyone wanting to be your best friend so they can enjoy a corner of your freshly baked , warm loaf. Before I show you how to make this bread I have to have a little remark about the weather ( because when in the UK do we ever not talk about the weather ? ). It was pouring with rain and was a generally miserable Sunday but the fresh smells of the soda bread baking in the oven seemed to cheer up the weather Gods. First things first before any baking of bread begins , switch on some music so you can happily dance away whilst making the bread. I think this is the ...