Silver Linings Playbook Review

Posted on the 05 December 2012 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
Since I haven't read the book I can't make any sort of comparison, as much as I'd like to, however I can say that I enjoyed the film adaptation of Silver Linings Playbook. As a film it stands up well thanks to a talented cast and a story with lots of deep character analysis. It really does give you the feeling that you're not an outcast if you have issues in life, you're just like everyone else. Bradley Cooper gives an outstanding performance as Pat, a man who seems quite happy on the surface. He believes that all stories should have a happy ending. However, there are a few anger issues bubbling beneath the surface. Cooper plays the problematic Pat without resorting to any clichés. Sometimes, he's angry, other times he's just trying his best to get in his wife's good books. The most important factor in any film like this is the likeability of the main characters. You'll be pleased to hear that Cooper is a joy to watch and considering his flaws he comes across as being very relatable. And then we have Jennifer Lawrence. She plays Tiffany, a pent up young lady who Pat has the pleasure of meeting during a lunch at a friends house. Like Pat, she has her reasons for being the way she is. It doesn't take long for the pair to erupt as they try to live their life again.

De Niro and Tucker gave a little extra spice to the proceedings as Pat's father and friend respectively. I have to say that Lawrence and Cooper managed to hold their own alongside De Niro, so my hat goes off to them. (If I had a hat)
Final thoughts
This film perfectly captures the insanity of life and gives us two unique characters who are not afraid to speak their minds. They are open and brash and that is what makes this such an interesting film. David O. Russell has delivered a film that has plenty of energy and an engaging story. He manages to draw us into the world of Pat and Tiffany with natural flair.
Rating: 8.6 out of 10
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