Shriya Saran Beauty, Makeup, Diet and Fitness Secrets

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Shriya Saran is a popular actress in the Hindi and South Indian film industry. She made her acting debut with a Telugu film. She also acts in Teliugu films. She is one of the most beautiful actresses in India. Her innocent looks, long lustrous locks, doe eyes and her hour glass figure have made her popular among her fans. Shriya Saran gives credit to her mother for her beauty and fine physique. In addition, she gives importance to matters like sleep, exercise and food, and some traditional beauty recipes to keep herself beautiful and gorgeous looking. She is a trained kathak dancer. She also loves to read books. She can talk about anything under the sun. She is the brand ambassador for several stores across India for the endorsement of beauty and health products. But her beauty regimen is simple and natural. If you want to know about her beauty, makeup and fitness secrets, read on.

Shriya Saran Beauty Tips and Secrets:

Image credits: Pinterest

Like most of the Bollywood actresses known for their amazing looks, Shriya also gives a lot of importance to breakfast. She makes sure that she has a sumptuous breakfast in the morning. She begins her day with a heavy breakfast consisting of porridge, paratha and omelet made of egg whites. For lunch she has dal and lady finger along with unpolished rice with husk. She says that she is a foodie. She cannot go without fish even for a day. She prefers to have fish baked or steamed, as it consumes less oil. She loves her stay in Chennai because fish is easily available there.

She is not very interested in consuming red meat and chicken. She loves Goan and Malabar cuisine that include fish-based dishes. For dinner she has roti and vegetable. Almonds and fruits are her favorite snacks. She loves Thai cuisine. It includes lots of fresh vegetables.  It incorporates veggies with meat.

Shriya Saran Makeup Secrets:

Image credits: bollygasm

  • Shriya does not believe in applying too much of makeup. As her shoots require pts of pan-caking, she tries to avoid makeup when she goes to parties. All she does is applying kajal, mascara, eyeliner, blush on and lip color.
  • She uses as little beauty products as possible on her face. But still she has a beautiful skin with a natural glow. Her skin owes its radiance to the power of rose water. She uses it as often as possible. This gives instant refreshment to her skin. She always carries a small bottle of rose water mist with her and sprays it on her face sometimes, after applying makeup on her face. This helps in giving a beautiful glow to her face. Her moisturizer is a mixture of rose water and glycerine. This also acts as a good toner.
  • For cleansing her face, Shriya swears by the age old remedy of besan mixed with yogurt or turmeric.
  • Her hair is lustrous and silky. It is long and she wears her hair loose almost always, draped over her shoulders. This helps in flattering her looks.
  • Shriya Saran takes special care not to include too much of salt in her diet. She is very particular about reducing the intake of salt as it can lead to the retention of water in the body. However, she has weakness for sugar and sweet products. Because of this, she has not been able to completely cut back on chocolates and other desserts. But she still manages to maintain her slim and trim figure by working our regularly and eating moderate quantities of food.

Shriya Saran Diet Plan:

Image credits: myvantagepoint

  • One of the tips given by Shriya is that you should finish having your dinner by 8 pm. Having dinner and snacks late at night can cause bloating and a feeling of discomfort. She says that it is important that you realize your digestive capacity and have food accordingly. This way you can avoid overeating.

Shriya Saran Gym and Workout Routine:

Image credits: timesofwoods1

Although she is a foodie, she manages to maintain a petite structure with her regular workouts. She weighs around 54 kg and she works hard on her abdomen and on toning her body so that she gets that perfect shape. She does heavy cardio exercises in her daily workout routine. She makes sure that she works out 45 minutes a day.

  • Like most of the actresses Shriya also has lots of belief in yoga and its healing powers. She says yoga helps in getting rid of excess weight and also makes the muscles firm. It is also very beneficial for increasing the concentration power. Being a busy actress, going to the gym is not always possible for her. So, yoga is very useful in such cases. She practices yoga regularly with dedication.
  • She focuses on her abs and upper arms as she considers these two as her problem areas. This she does with an intricate combination of yoga and Iyengar yoga. These two asanas are known to include some of the most complicated postures. They focus on all areas of the body. She uses these yoga postures to get a well toned slim arms absolutely flat abdomen.

You can learn a lot of things from Shriya Saran’s fitness and beauty routine. Her discipline and self awareness, the way she carries herself, her dedication and sincerity regarding her workout regimens are things that we should follow. This way even you can get a perfect figure like that of Shriya saran.