Show Your Abs Workout

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Oct 4, 2011 by Tatianna

Today’s workout left my abs extremely sore, and it’s very rare I get my abs sore, so get ready for this one! This workout also incorporates great cardio which uses full body movements ( and cardio is a must if you want your abs to show ).

Today the workout is broken down into 3 parts and it’s only 20 minutes long.  The first 2 parts are interval training ( but you won’t be having any breaks between the interval, so get ready it will be tough ).  The 3rd part is done as a countdown, you will have 10 minutes to complete 3 exercises with as many rounds as possible.

In the first 2 parts you will not have any time to write down your reps, so try to remember an average amount of reps you were doing ( if you can ).

I am also going over all of the exercises in the video including variations for beginners.  All of my workouts use dynamic movements so if you commit your self with healthy eating and 4-5 days of training you will be in great shape very fast, it is just a matter on how hard you are pushing.

A reminder:  If you want results faster, don’t eat at night ( 4 to 5 hours before sleep ).  This is one of my favorite tips for getting in shape, it never fails!  I included this tip in my post ” My List Of Top Weight Loss Tips “.

Now on to today’s workout!

Workout explanation

For this workout I was using my 8lbs medicine ball ( I’ve used a medicine ball in my training for many years and I am It never fails to provide me with great resistance.  I wrote a post about why I love a Medicine Ball so much. ).  If you are a beginner, you will not be needing a medicine ball, you can just use your own bodyweight.

Part one

Set your timer ( I am using Gymboss Max ) for 2 intervals, both for 25 seconds and the total of 6 rounds.  You will be doing 2 exercises back to back with no breaks, you will go through both exercises 6 times.

  •  1. Stretching Reptile Extensions
  • 2. High Knees

Part 2 

Your timer Gymboss Max stays the same, with two intervals of 25 seconds. You will again do 2 exercises back to back.

  •  1. Squat & Jump Up with a medicine ball
  •  2. Pike press

Part 3

Set your timer for one interval of 10 minutes.  You will be doing 3 exercises, and the goal is to complete as many rounds as possible in the 10 minutes.  Try not to take any breaks here, I kept the reps low, this way you will not hit failure and will be able to just keep going.

  • 1. Low Jack ( with hands behind the head ) – 10 reps
  •  2. Tuck Jumps – 5 reps
  •  3. Side Plank Push-up on a medicine ball – 5 reps each side ( this one is a killer )

My scores

For the first 2 exercises I averaged between 8 to 6 stretching reptile extensions, 45 – 50 high knees.

The second part I averaged 14 -12 squat jumps and 14 – 11 pike presses.

The 3rd part I finished with 5 full rounds, 10 low jacks and 5 tuck jumps.

Share your scores!

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