Shock...Horror.. Disbelief... for the 355th Time This Year

By Vickilane

The mass shooting yesterday in San Bernardino was, according to THIS ARTICLE in The Washington Post, the 355th this year. By the time this posts, there may well have been another.
As I'm writing this on Wednesday around 11 pm EST, it's not clear if the shooters were foreign or domestic terrorists. One shooter has been identified as Muslim and the hatred ("Round them all up!") is already surging. 

Funny, I didn't hear similar rhetoric about the recent Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter who has been identified as a Bible believer who felt all his sins would be forgiven.

I'm not sure it matters to the victims who are just as dead whether it was crazed ISIL supporters or crazed Americans with big guns and an agenda of some sort.

The simple fact is that guns, even military weapons of the sort designed for the sole purpose of killing a lot of people, are far too easy to obtain -- whoever you are.

And the response from many on the right? Again? 

 "If all those victims had just been armed . . ."

"Oh, and let's have a moment of silence and send our prayers."

Meanwhile, just hours before the San Bernardino shooting, a group of doctors delivered a petition to  Congress, urging a lifting of the ban that for almost twenty years has essentially blocked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from carrying out research into the causes of gun violence.

 It is these physicians' view that gun violence is a national epidemic, every bit as dangerous to national health as any disease that kills thousands of Americans every year. (ArticleHERE)
As long as Congress receives massive donations from the NRA, our sick country will remain in thrall to the NRA and will never get better.

 A shooting every day has become the new normal.

Our country is in trouble.