Shiseido Bio-performance Super Corrective Serum Review
By Reinesoignee
One of my pricier purchases and totally worth the money. I can't believe more people are not talking about this. Shiseido Bio-Performance Super Corrective Serum would be great for everyone. First of all it makes your skin look as if you have make-up on. How cool is that? It softens your skin, but at the same time tightens it up a bit and reduses the appearence of wrinkles.
I used it every day to even out my skin tone. Also, if you do decide to wear make-up, it's going to look amazing. Smooth application guaranteed. My only complaint about it is the price and amount of product. I wish there was more of it in the bottle!
Серум Shiseido Bio-Performance Super Corrective Serum прекрасно подойдет тем, кто хочет иметь красивую кожу, но не хочет возится с тональным кремом. Я от него просто в восторге! Выравнивает тон кожи, подтягивает ее, сужает поры. Один недостаток - цена. Стоит серум дорого и за такие деньги хотелось бы побольше продукта во флаконе.