ShimmerPolish Week - Vivian

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Hello Lovelies! I was recently contacted by Shimmer Polish to review some of her lovely creations and so of course I said YES immediately! Her polishes are all completely jam packed with glitter and are pretty much the definition of GlitterBombs :)
Today I will be sharing with you Vivian. On her etsy site, Vivian is described as "Dusty Rose Pink Mixture with Grays and Black Glitter Polish!"

Isn't this polish lovely!!! For my mani, I used two coats of Vivian over Essence Mauve Like A Rockstar. I wanted to do a neutral base to show off how gorgeous this polish is on its own. Today you also get to see a guest appearance from my thumb. lol. I used a single coat of Vivian over the base to show how much glitter-ness you can get in a single coat.
Don't you just LOOOVE the macro shot of this polish!? I am obsessed with it!
I love this shade and you can purchase Shimmer Polish on her etsy site, or follow her on Facebook or her website!
Stay tuned for 4 more days of lovely Shimmer Polishes!
*Products were provided by the manufacturer for my honest review*