Sex and Neurogenic Paralyzed Parts

By Trudytriumph @TrudyTriumph

There are many women that experience pelvic pain.  It could be for so many reasons; endometriosis, chlamydia, bladder infection, menstrual cramps, pelvic adhesions (endometriosis), sexually transmitted diseases, ovarian cysts, stomach bloating, and  uterine fibroid tumors.  Perhaps mine is due to chronic UTI's.  This list is not by any stretch of the imagination an exhaustive list.  This blog is written to women that have neurogenic bladder and bowel so I am sure that you, like me, deal with pelvic pain, continually.

 The pleasure of the marital bed is a wonder.  It is important to our quality of life not to give up intimacy between man and wife.  We have had a lot taken from us and we need to fight for a full life!

There are some rules of thumb that one should consider if dealing with paralyzed parts.  Without getting too graphic please know that urine is sterile.

When we were in Guatemala, working as medical missionaries, the doctor that worked at the same clinic in Chichicastenango would test his patients for diabetes, by dipping his finger in a cup of their urine and then licking his finger. If the urine tasted sweet, the patient had diabetes.   No problem for the doctor because urine really is sterile. Our urethra is toward the front so it poses no risk with intercourse.  You know the whole missionary position joke has some truth to it, in regards to what is safe and a lesser chance of infection.

Feces is filled with bacteria, so one should think twice about creative positions, not because you can’t, but if there is any chance of getting a bit of feces near the urethra where it can get into the bladder, because of an intermittent catheter, then watch out.  A bladder infection is sure to happen.

Saliva is also filled with bacteria, so I am not sure how oral sex fits, unless you are willing to take a shower or use your peri bottle before you use a catheter.  Please keep this in mind as you proceed to romp. Showers are good and some positions can be dangerous.

I feel better about intimacy if my husband and I are clean.  A couple’s shower can start things off if in doubt.

Pleasuring your man does not always need to include the act of sex.  There are many that use all sorts of positions and creative pleasures.  The important part is the bond that is formed and the complete fulfillment that occurs when a man and wife are one.

All situations are different and we all experience pain on different levels, but I just want to remind you that sometimes working through the pain can give positive results.  If you have questions about any of this please consult a physician.  With a doctor’s help, perhaps you can achieve success.

We all want to remain infection free.  UTI's are the pitts . . . I hope this helps.

More later.