Seven Weeks

By Heathernichole

{This post was written on September 29th and was saved as a draft until we shared our good news with everyone.}
How far along? Seven weeks and six days as of today. 

Baby's size? Dragon Baby is the size of a blueberry this week. 
Baby's nickname? Still Dragon Baby. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet. 

Exercise? I've been getting tons of steps this week. At least five miles and over 10,000 steps per day. I definitely reached my 40 mile goal for the month while I was on vacation. Sleep: I was away from home this past week. Even though it was my brother's home, there is nothing like your own. I don't think I slept nearly as well as I do in my own bed. Best moment this week: Seeing our baby's heart beat flicker on the screen during our very first ultrasound. 

Miss anything? Nope! Not even a second cup of coffee...because I can't seem to even get one full cup down.Movement: No movement yet. Food cravings: NONE. Food sounds absolutely gross to me right now. Anything making you queasy or sick: YES! Anything and everything. And it changes from one minute to the next. Something will sound okay to me to eat and then a minute later, I want to vomit just thinking of it. It's very difficult to get anything that isn't bland down. And like I mentioned above, I have to force myself to drink at least half a cup of coffee in the mornings to prevent a headache in the afternoons. Gender: Unknown right now. Symptoms: I'm so thankful that I didn't have any back pain this week. I'm thinking it was all the walking I did while I was on vacation. I have still been gassy at times. Extreme nausea and food aversions. I still haven't thrown up yet so I'm glad about that. Wedding rings on or off? On. Happy or moody most of the time: I've been happy for the most part. I did cry a lot during movies I watched on my vacation. Looking forward to: We will be telling Stephen's Grandpa our news tomorrow in person. After that I plan on giving free reigns to the parents to tell who they'd like to tell and I'll be posting our news to social media.